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Online access to more than 900 peer-reviewed journals from Elsevier

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Are you interested in Journals Consult?

Customize your institution’s journal collection with Journals Consult. Your Journals Consult subscription allows you to choose from over 1,000 highly-cited health sciences journals you need, while giving you the benefits of accessing content through ScienceDirect’s powerful platform.

All journals are peer-reviewed and many are published on behalf of the world’s most prestigious medical societies, and include information on best practices, new treatment modalities, and ground-breaking research. Journals Consult also offers single title backfiles for content dating back to 1995. Backfile collections are available for purchase for content prior to 1995.

Journal consult covers

Journals Consult features

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Full-text online access anywhere

Conduct research picto

Advanced search

including personalized search and alert services
Article picto


include current year plus rolling four years of archives
Maximize impact picto

CrossRef linking

Study design picto

Articles in Press

online before they publish in print
Track and report on research picto

Detailed electronic usage reporting