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Saúde e Medicina

Liderança inovadora para profissionais de saúde que investem no futuro do setor de saúde.

Nurse writing

Artigo em destaque

Clinician of the Future 2023: Education Edition has arrived

Elsevier Health’s landmark Clinician of the Future 2023: Education Edition report highlights new opportunities technology will play in supporting education and beyond.

Explore the future

Clinician of the future education edition. Students gather in library and discuss medical project

Clinician of the Future 2023 has arrived

Elsevier Health’s landmark Clinician of the Future 2023 report highlights new opportunities technology will play in providing relief for healthcare workers and geographical differences in opinion.

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Clinician of the Future 2023 - female physician smiling at female patient

Apoiando o bem-estar dos profissionais de saúde durante o esgotamento pós-pandemia

Destacando o aumento do esgotamento entre os profissionais de saúde na era pós-pandemia, o artigo investiga suas repercussões na saúde mental e no atendimento ao paciente e as estratégias que os sistemas de saúde estão empregando para gerenciar a situação.

An Asian middle-aged clinician with mask sits on the steps of her hospital, a hand on her head, looking very stressed.