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Transforming science into real-life solutions

Our engineering tools and databases enable students with access to current knowledge and data, while nurturing their skills in technical writing, project-based work, and independent research.

Students presenting to class

Build expertise & curriculum engagement

  • Link and expand search results between Knovel and Engineering Village

  • Make visualizations in graphs and tables that enable data search and export

  • Learn, create, and share equations for coursework

  • Build reading and resource lists with easy sharing and collaboration

  • Create a syllabus with effective and diverse materials using the powerful search feature

  • Find material properties for homework and exercises

  • Identify potential collaborators, specialists and centres of excellence using the research collaboration tools

Students looking at monitor

Foster student success at every stage of learning

  • Teach and learn students engineering fundamentals

  • Use best practices and reliable data in domain-specific coursework

  • Discover early-stage, cutting-edge research on technologies and topics

  • Help advanced students locate peers

See examples and get materials for classroom use

Use of Knovel and Engineering Village in curriculum

Integrate sustainability into engineering education

Elsevier partners with organizations such as the Global Engineering Deans Council (opens in new tab/window)to help prioritize the introduction of Sustainable Development Goals materials into the engineering curriculum.

We are committed to providing knowledge and tools to enable tomorrow’s engineers to solve the world’s most pressing issues and bring society closer to achieving the SDGs. Knovel and Engineering Village include insights and data on a range of sustainability topics, including hot topics such as fuel cells, geothermal and energy policy.

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"Our partnership with Elsevier supports GEDC’s mission to facilitate effective engineering-education processes that unify and strengthen efforts between academic institutions themselves and with industry worldwide. Through the collaboration of our members, we work towards equipping our engineering students, faculty, and practitioners with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to tackle the global challenges that support achieving the SDGs."

Dr Sunil Maharaj


Sunil Maharaj

Chair 2022 at GEDC

STEM Education for Engineering Solutions